***WW2 MALTA CONVOY DSM GROUPING***WW2 'Malta Convoy' Royal Naval Distinguished Service Medal (DSM) Grouping Fresh to The Market.

A superb 'Malta Convoy' medal grouping purchased directly from the family and fresh to the market.

The KING has been graciously pleased to give orders for the following Appoint­ ments to the Distinguished Service Order, and to approve the following Awards :— For gallantry, skill and seamanship in H.M. Ships " Avon V ale",

" Beaufort", " Breconshire", " Carlisle", " Cleopatra", " D ido", " Dulverton ", " Eridge ", " Euryalus ", " Havock ", " H ero", " Hur- worth ", " Jervis Kelvin ", " Kingston", " Kipling", " Legion", "Lively", "Penelope", "Sikh", "Southwold", and "Zulu" in a brilliant action against strong enemy forces, which were driven off and severely damaged. This action resulted in the safe passage to Malta of an important Convoy:

Electrical Artificer First Class Clifford John Tink, D/MX.46095.

(ADMIRALTY FLEET ORDERS A.F.Os. 4469—4575/42 (See Diagram Issue No. 38/42), 17th September, 1942: 10)

A wonderful grouping.

(Medal Year Book, 2024: 84)

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